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Soil Moisture Data from the Brightwater Creek Pasture Site (2012-2014)

Description: This dataset includes root-zone and surface soil moisture measurements from a heterogeneous grazed pasture site (containing both Solonetzic (sodic) and Chernozemic (non-sodic) soil) located within the Brightwater Creek watershed (central Saskatchewan). Surveys of surface soil moisture (0–6cm) were conducted on four different measurement days ranging from extreme wet to extreme dry conditions. On each survey, moisture was measured over a 500m by 500m area at a grid spacing of 20m resulting in 625 points. Root-zone soil moisture (0–110cm) was monitored at 21 locations, primarily with 50m spacing along 2 transects. Measurements were taken at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100cm depth by neutron probe; bi-weekly in 2012–2013 and monthly in 2014. At each monitoring location, the potential controls on soil moisture were measured. This included elevation, vegetation type, maximum snow water equivalent, bulk density, and the exchangeable sodium percentage. This data is suitable for examining the spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture and its controlling factors, as well as testing upscaling techniques.
Authors: Peterson, Amber; University of Saskatchewan; ORCID iD 0000-0002-9341-1452
Helgason, Warren; University of Saskatchewan; ORCID iD 0000-0002-7068-5717
Ireson, Andrew; University of Saskatchewan; ORCID iD 0000-0003-1957-7355
Keywords: soil moisture
sodic soil
Field of Research: 
Earth and related environmental sciences
Soil hydrology
Publication Date: 2018-04-16
Publisher: Federated Research Data Repository / dépôt fédéré de données de recherche
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Geographic Coverage: 
Place Name
Brightwater Creek
Province /
Province / Territory
Geographic Point: 
Appears in Collections:Global Water Futures

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Access to this dataset is subject to the following terms:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Peterson, A., Helgason, W., Ireson, A. (2018). Soil Moisture Data from the Brightwater Creek Pasture Site (2012-2014). Federated Research Data Repository.